Good news!

Rowan has been awarded £25,000 from the Postcode Places Trust to continue the delivery of creative workshops and forest school to adults with learning disability.

“We would like to thank the Postcode Places Trust for once again supporting Rowan”. Says Chief Executive Officer Cherie Evans, “It costs over £550,000 pa to run our creative workshops and forest school and we rely on the support of the local community. To see Rowan students thriving in such a supportive environment is wonderful. It’s great to be able to work together to improve the lives of local adults with learning disability. Thank you once again.”

Meet Grace

Student artist Grace has Williams Syndrome and has attended Rowan twice a week for the last three years. Taking part in music, drama, and the ceramics workshops where she gets creative and spends quality time with her friends: “I love it, it makes me happy.” Sam Bishop, Grace’s Mum, says “I just think it’s the most amazing place. It is hard to put into words what it feels like to go into Rowan and experience the Rowan life…we feel really, really lucky to be able to access what you (Rowan) offer.”

If you are an adult with learning disabilities who is looking to learn new skills and meet new friends, then visit the website on to find out more or call us on 01223 566027. 


Your support makes a big difference!

It costs over £600,000 a year to run Rowan. Can you help us?

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