Rowan Students Collaborate with Cambridge Festival 2024

We are thrilled to share that Rowan students have been an integral part of the exhibition ‘Cambridge Creative Encounters’. The aim of the exhibition was to showcase collaborative projects between University of Cambridge researchers and CSVPA (Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts) students that present academic research in artistic forms. The exhibition was part of the annual Cambridge Festival, run by the University of Cambridge.

A group of Rowan student artists worked alongside Prof Lucy Delap, fellow of Murray Edwards College, and the University Library, to curate an inspiring exhibition titled ‘What do you see, when you see me’, part of  ‘Cambridge Creative Encounters’. The exhibition aimed to empower disabled individuals to tell their own stories, shedding light on their unique experiences, aspirations, and dreams for the future. The exhibition ran from 14th to 27th March 2024. 

Some of the student artists who took part visited the exhibition. Student artist Tracie said, “…it made me feel happy and proud that we achieved getting into an exhibition”. We are proud of our students for working hard and showing courage in telling their stories.

Watch the preview of the exhibition and see if you can spot any Rowan students or staff!


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