Back on Stage

On Wednesday 8 November Rowan music and drama students took to the stage for the first time in three years. It was a spectacular performance, showcasing the students talents across the board and bringing it together for an hour of pure joy. 

We have had some wonderful feedback from the audience to share with you all. 

“Wow!!! is the only word I can think of to describe the wonderful showcase which took place last Wednesday evening” said Cherie Evans (Rowan Chief Executive Officer). “Rowan’s ‘Back on Stage’ delivered a powerful, fun and emotional evening of drama and song. The audience was captivated. Well done to all the performers, staff and supporters. An evening to remember, and a reminder that we can do anything.”

“It was an amazing performance. Well done to all of your superstar students. Very proud parents!”

“Everything and more than I expected and am still thinking about the different pieces and how moving it all was…big congrats to everyone involved”

“Bethany, Lindsey, the staff and the student teams involved last night were simply incredible. I was blown away by the dedication, commitment and love that radiated from the stage. Each and every person involved was given the chance to be themselves, express themselves and it seemed to be a joyous celebration of what the student performers CAN do. An impressive performance and achievement for all.”

“Well done… that was amazing.”

“Wow! What a show! How to describe it – a power pack of fun and emotion. It was so powerful. Music, drama and art all brought together by the Rowan students’ performances. Well done. You are amazing.”

“I am so proud it was a fantastic evening”

Well done to each student who was involved. You all worked really hard and did a brilliant job. To all of the staff and volunteers who supported the event – thank you. We could not of done it without you. 

“When’s the next one?!” We hear you cry. Do not worry we will not be waiting three years…but we will definitely take a break and be back on stage soon. 


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