Coffee, cake and community at Rowan’s Spring Coffee Morning

Last Saturday, 23rd March 2024, our annual charity Spring Coffee Morning was filled with smiling faces, homemade cakes, and cups of coffee as we welcomed our community into our arts centre in Cambridge. The Rowan shop was buzzing, the tombola stall got competitive and there were a variety of student art works on display in our workshops.

This year held special significance as we marked Rowan’s 40th Anniversary, adding an extra sprinkle of joy with green and white 40th Anniversary cupcakes. With the support of our community and local businesses like Stir Bakery, Jacks on Trinity, John Lewis, and SPAR, we raised an incredible £700. All funds raised go towards our ‘Raise the Roof for Rowan’ fundraising campaign, to help replace our leaky roof at our arts centre.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this a wonderful community event and to help raise the roof for Rowan in during our 40th anniversary year.


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